Saturday, July 3, 2010

A new semester....A new start....

It's been a while since the last blog I updated...haha...
Life is full of ups and downs for a half year of 2010....
Am back from Kuching...having lots of rest....for the remaining half year....

With a blink of an eye 1 year is over in Uni....learn a lot of things...met a lot of interesting people in my course....
The independent life in Johor...makes me braver in doing everything....
I no longer is the little girl who always stand behind my parents....scared of the what is happening....

I did score better results for this I do hope I can do better in coming semester too...
With the help and courage from my dear classmates and housemates, I did make through quite a lot of obstacles in my life...Thanks to my housemates, when I am away from girls did help me, comfort me and give me advices when I am in trouble...May our friendship forever ^^

Oh ya...I had great time of hanging out with my sista ( my old classmates in Form 5...Mei Hui, Elaine, Kee Xian and Daphne)
talking of our life we are having now, talking of our past just like in the "Sex and the City" movie...hope we too are remaining that close when we are grown up or ages...hahaha....

At night, sometimes I chit- chat with my mum....haha....I love doing that..I think that is the reason why I am always close to my mum....but minus the nagging part....haha....that will be perfect XD...

Counting down ....3 more days in Kuching...really make me sleepless these few days....Maybe I miss too much of the happenings in Kuching...hehe....
But I will always remember my hometown....Miss ya Kuching ^^
I will be back~ ( to be continued~ XP)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Balik Kuching Feel~~'s has been a long time since the last blog....
hmm...been busy busy busy with my life in Uni....
full of assignment...examinaiton...And Now THE FINAL exam....
yes!!! 3 more paper to go then i am free from the "cage" again....

Since my friend ( roomate, See TinG) bought her car from Melaka...this definitely is kinda gaining car means can cari makan right? haha...see what I mean now? XD

We have been doing quite a lot of funny, weird and crazy stuff everytime we go out....Just like on Tuesday...We went down to Batu Pahat and had a meal...then went back to hostel get car and go back Batu Pahat to watch movie...and we did not plan what to watch....

And guess what? We watch horror movie....haha...Only not more than 10 people are watching....we are so owned the cinema was creepy tho...COLD too...the air con was so powerful... XD

After movie...we are like direction+less...lolx...Went to Mc D.....
miss the french I get a burger set with french fries and pepsi...

My Life is FULL of Food >_< see...okay..gonna on diet when i get back....
miss you girls alot in Kuching...C ya all in Kuching ....^.<

Sunday, January 31, 2010


哈哈。。。快要回到温暖的家了。。*开心* 呵呵。。。
二月十二号, 我会和三个朋友去KL。 一起去塔bus express。。总算有一次是和朋友一起去KL 了 ^^

对了, 我姐姐和姐夫也有回去。 wow

对了。。。这次回去要染发。。要染什么颜色好? 蓝色?(如上面的图案)? 还是巧克力色? blonde? 哈哈。。给点意见噢。。

我Ko-Ku 网球~

中间全黑的是教练。。。教着我们怎么打forehand 。。打篱笆。。哈哈。。。证据就如照片噢。。。
让我想起小时练羽毛球的时候, 打墙壁。 害我颈酸痛到不行。
不过小时每个星期六晚上都练球, 那时的我是超级瘦的。。现在就有点肉肉了。。没运动。。懒惰了。。哈哈。。


这个是我们上Statistic 时偷溜出去透透气时拍的。。哈哈。。我们在BS-C1 上课。。跑去 T2 那里玩。。用手机开歌 放在MIC 旁边。。听音乐很享受^^ 不妨试试尝试。。嘻嘻。。。
照片里的她们看起来很明星ho? hahaha...XP

我大学upgrade 了。。哈哈。。有fountain oh..喷水的tim...XP

参加网球后,额头都晒黑了啦。。这次回去要带我这个yeng yeng 的帽子回来。。。呵呵。。。也想去KL 找看有好看的帽子。。。希望有大收获^^

Saturday, January 9, 2010

今天蛮开心的 ^^

刚好我们家的Barbie doll 也要出去,
她坐"番薯" 的车。顺便也载我,小虹和静雯去Batu Pahat 车站买票。 ^^

在车站要买车票很男决定要几点的票,不过还是买了12 日2月的十点早上票去KL。
买好后,我,小虹和静雯就去Batu Pahat Mall 啦
就在MK 那里吃吃。 不过最后变成我和小虹吃罢了。 因为有人要两人世界啦。。哈哈。。

只有Avatar 我们比较想看,就买了票进去看。^^
两个小时四十五分钟的Avatar 果然没让我们俩失望。超级好看噢 (^_^)

看完后,两个女人就走Pacific supermarket 。 买了吃的东西,Barbie doll 说要找我们了。
呵呵。。。 她和“番薯” 就来啦。 然后他载我们去吃火锅爽到~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 年

新的一年就是新的开始。 又要由我把今年的 Memories 用彩色填满成美丽的彩虹 ^^

12 月尾回到宿舍时,很辛苦咯因为又生病了。现在比较好了。

刚看到我的时间表时吓我一大跳 XD .... 几乎每天都是要八点早上...上到晚上十一点晚上...

不过经过调整又有新的时间表了,时间只有星期二和四比较赶。 有的课只是上两天。这样时间就不会那么赶了...哈哈...开心...


就是说星期五,六和日 ...都得空 wii~~~

朋友们你们的时间表如何呢? 忙也不要忘记吃哦。。。要照顾好身体噢 ^^ 新年也要到了,希望回去看到大家健健康康的, 美美, 帅帅的噢^^


pen off lu ~~bb~~~